Ear wax is formed in everybody's ear.
The skin of which lines the passage leading to the ear-drum is multilayered (as is the skin all over the body). It is constantly being rejuvinated from within. The deeper layers are the newly formed young cells which push the"oldies" cells outwards which ultimately flake out and fall. Elsewhere in the body the fallen flakes are washed off.
But the ear passage being a closed tube (like a test -tube ) the dead flakes have to be specially taken care of - else they would accumulate and jam up the passage.
Nature produces a special oil called "sebum" which mixes in the dead flakes and the action of the jaw movement during the act of chewing causes the soft kneaded wax to "migrate" outwards . (Check it out for yourself - keep a finger in the ear and move your jaw by opening & shutting the mouth and feel the ear canal move).
So a small quantity of wax is being formed everyday which goes Unnoticed.
The problem of wax accumulation occurs due to:
1. Natural causes which could be
a. Less sebum or oil being produced which causes the formed wax to harden and become less capable of migrating outwards.
b. A naturally excessive curved passage leading to the drum casing a bump over which the wax cannot migrate easily.
2. Man made causes. Frequent use of ear buds especially pushing them deep in the ear in an attempt to clean the deep wax can often result in the migrating wax being pushed inside resulting in impaction
The skin of which lines the passage leading to the ear-drum is multilayered (as is the skin all over the body). It is constantly being rejuvinated from within. The deeper layers are the newly formed young cells which push the"oldies" cells outwards which ultimately flake out and fall. Elsewhere in the body the fallen flakes are washed off.
But the ear passage being a closed tube (like a test -tube ) the dead flakes have to be specially taken care of - else they would accumulate and jam up the passage.
Nature produces a special oil called "sebum" which mixes in the dead flakes and the action of the jaw movement during the act of chewing causes the soft kneaded wax to "migrate" outwards . (Check it out for yourself - keep a finger in the ear and move your jaw by opening & shutting the mouth and feel the ear canal move).
So a small quantity of wax is being formed everyday which goes Unnoticed.
The problem of wax accumulation occurs due to:
1. Natural causes which could be
a. Less sebum or oil being produced which causes the formed wax to harden and become less capable of migrating outwards.
b. A naturally excessive curved passage leading to the drum casing a bump over which the wax cannot migrate easily.
2. Man made causes. Frequent use of ear buds especially pushing them deep in the ear in an attempt to clean the deep wax can often result in the migrating wax being pushed inside resulting in impaction